Thursday, 18 October 2007

What a week!

This is fast becoming a fabulous week!

It started on Monday, much like anyone elses week does, but unlike most people I was off to London....where I met up with fellow Green Wing fans to attend the DVD signing.

We had 'The Best Ever Pizza' once again at Pizza Express, its a Padana btw and then off to Virgin Meagstore for a 2 hour wait for our idols!! Now for anyone reading this who has missed Green Wing, shame on you, you really should watch it....... So signing our DVd [a Boxset at £45 ] were actors who played Joanna, Mac and Martin, who were very charming as always and signed not only my DVD but also a get well card, for a Convention Committee member who is very poorly, some of the writers were also there and they helped me with an extra special surprise, which I can't tell you about at the mo......

Needless to say we had a ball, as its always great to get out, away from the house and it has to be said that I do go a little OTT on such occasions as it very liberating to be away from small children and having to be 'sensible mum!'

The icing on the cake is that the card has made my poorly friend smile and that's a good feeling.

So that was day when no housework took place!

On Tuesday I had an interview for a job, its a support job with a child in a school nursery who has Down's syndrome, I arrived on time thinking I'd be out in half an hour......3 hours later having carried out an activity with 4 Nursery children, had lunch and been interviewed by the Head teacher, SENCO teacher and a priest! I came out rather shell shocked!

I was told I would hear their decision by post, so in about 6 months time I thought, but no yesterday I recieved a call offering me the post, HUZZAH! Its only 15 hours a week but as I pointed out to Mr Wolf, with the children and looking after the home, housework, shopping etc thats quite enough, his reply.........

" So your going to start doing some housework when you get this job then?"

My standard reply to any such nonsense is "Fuck Off"

Anyway I get the last laugh, because I visited the school this morning and met my new charge and the Head offered me some supply work on 2 afternoons a week!! So I shall be so busy I may need a cleaner!

Good Lord I almost forgot the most amazing news, I'm on the DVD!! How fuck off cool is that!


Anonymous said...

On the DVD? What, you??? Hah! Your friend is STILL smiling btw! Congrats on the job, but then I've said all that before. Whereas Mr Wolf probably said "congrats" on the job ...

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Celulite, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.